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Necessary, making this the first



Necessary, making this the first



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Amazing Pics Founder


Show our company's members

Aman Verma

CEO & founder
“Unlock the power of effective stock management, website management, and customer relationship building with my expertise, dedicated to driving your success!”


“Transform your business with my skills in stock optimization, website enhancement, customer engagement, and quality assurance, focused on delivering outstanding results for clients like you!


web developer
“Expert in managing stock, websites, and customer relationships, ensuring top-notch quality and seamless experiences for clients like you!”

About us

  1. Introduction…With amazing pics, we wont to creat a platform that helps people preserve and celebrate precious moments.We believe every photo tells a story and that story should be told. Who reached every part of Bharat.Like: pizza means domino’s, gumming means fevicol,  hotel means Taj just like that if people ask for gifts then only amazing pics.Brand story; My cousin and friend help me in naming the brand “Amazing pics” they help as a friend, as a mentors, and as a financer ;they motivated me. My Uncle also supports me.I got the inspiration to make this website time my boss with whome I worked, he is not updated about this work, I had to take it all over Bharat.There was no craze in our home town which was my positive point.After this we started our journey from 20 April 2021 and now we all over Bharat work.Commitment: Amazing pics makes this commitment that its products delivered by the promissed date, and provide the product with ots 100% quality. Due to the quality of our products,our old cost customers are also associated with us.                                                                                           Like –
  2.       1. KFC
    1. Domino’s pizza
    2. Indian Railways
    3. The Tree Baker’s
    4. Gravity fitness etc.
    5. The Cherry Tree
    6. Bollywood Indusry
    7. INDUSTECH Engineering Service PVT.LTDThere are many other brands and customer who’s trust remains on us even today.Customer focus;This brand, this company has becomes my everything. To get this brand I had to leave my job and some relationship but it gives me a lot. We worked day and night to get this brand. Due to this, this brand is not a brand it is an emotion between client and company.

      When company CEO admit in ICU at that time our 50+ clients have given an amount of 70,000+₹ to the company to their admission. In any way the company should not be closure. This company is not only mine, it belongs to all of as, I think this must have happened for the first time. That in order to save a small company from closure, our clients themselves started coming and saved this company to closure. Due to which a very good relation has been formed between our company and our team.


      Everyone has commented very well about our website and customer service our product, everyone is comment positive with full satisfaction.


      Our company remains more active because of customer of privacy. Photos of our customer are our privacy.

      An FIR was also lodged against us regarding privacy. When our client’s family come to take photos from us.

      They created a pressure bomb on the attack regarding the relationship of client, due to which they filed an FIR against us but we could not take any risk regarding the customer privacy, then we fought them and people also supported us.

      Now regarding privacy of the customer also we go to get it.

      For the convenience of our customers, we use secured SSL on our website which protects our website from hacker’s.